Chris Petrie

Episode 74: 3x Profit in the First 2 Years of Business with Kelly Snyder

Episode 74: 3x Profit in the First 2 Years of Business with Kelly Snyder

My Guest on the Show… Kelly Snyder is the founder of the website and brand, Adore Your Wardrobe. Kelly’s mission is to give women the tools to overcome the problem of having a closet full of clothes, but nothing you want to wear. She isn’t about the latest and greatest trends, but rather focuses on […]

Episode 73: Building Freedom One House at a Time with Coach Carson

Episode 73: Building Freedom One House at a Time with Coach Carson

My Guest on the Show…   Chad Carson, AKA Coach Carson, comes on the show this week to talk about something I have been obsessed with lately – Real Estate Investing (for beginners). Coach Carson has been investing in real estate for the past 15 years and he has seen both the good times and […]

Overlooked Feelings That Come With Paying off $78,000 in 23 Months

Overlooked Feelings That Come With Paying off $78,000 in 23 Months

Today’s post is from a friend of mine, Jen Smith. If you told me three years ago I’d be debt-free and inspiring others to get their finances together, I would’ve looked at you funny. At the time, my future husband, Travis, and I owed a combined $78,000 in car and student loan debt. But after […]

Episode 72: When She Makes More Than Her Husband – with Jennifer Barrett

Episode 72: When She Makes More Than Her Husband – with Jennifer Barrett

  My Guest on the Show…   Jennifer Barrett is the Chief Education Officer for Acorns and the Editor in Chief for Grow. Jennifer is incredibly smart, knows how to move up the ranks in business, and is a high-income earner. In fact, for the past 8 years she has been the primary breadwinner of their […]

90% of Healthy Americans Don’t Know About This Trick to Save $1000s

90% of Healthy Americans Don’t Know About This Trick to Save $1000s

  If you’re like many people these days, the incredibly high cost of healthcare thanks to the “Affordable” Care Act could be putting a serious dent in your pocketbook. Personally, we are lucky to have a good insurance plan through my husband’s job where we pay about $200 a month in premiums for our family […]

Episode 99: The New Way to 401(k) with Chris Costello

Episode 99: The New Way to 401(k) with Chris Costello

  My Guest on the Show…   Co-founder and CEO of Blooom, Chris Costello, comes on the show today to talk about your 401k, 401a, 403b, 457 or TSP. Chris spent his entire life in the financial advising world and now he’s blowing the whistle on the crap that he says has been going on […]

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