Chris Petrie

7 Ways to Pay Off Your Student Loans Faster

7 Ways to Pay Off Your Student Loans Faster

You’re probably familiar with the staggering stats about student loans today—borrowers now owe more than $1.5 trillion combined. And the 2018 class was the most indebted in history: 70 percent graduated with student loans, and the average balance was $29,800, according to Student Loan Hero. Odds are, you have some yourself. And that burden can […]

The 6 Things Real Estate Agents Forget to Mention

The 6 Things Real Estate Agents Forget to Mention cost of home ownership

Maybe you’re looking at a buying a home and not entirely sure what the true cost of home ownership will be. And as a prospective home buyer, chances are good you’ve heard at least one of these sales pitches.   You can start building equity. Owning is cheaper than renting. You can fire your landlord. […]

Episode 124: The Everyday Millionaire with Chris Hogan

Episode 124: The Everyday Millionaire with Chris Hogan

  My Guest on the Show… Dave Ramsey personality Chris Hogan is coming on the show today to explain how the everyday normal guy can in fact become a millionaire. Now, before you raise your eyebrow at me – let me be clear on what a millionaire is… A millionaire does NOT mean you earn […]

Episode 123: Medicare Hacks: Why Your Future Self Will Thank You – with Danielle Roberts

Episode 123: Medicare Hacks: Why Your Future Self Will Thank You – with Danielle Roberts

  My Guest on the Show… I know, I know – Medicare is not a very sexy topic in life. But, what if I told you there was an opportunity to save thousands of dollars in the future by PAYING attention to Medicare right now? By the way – did you know medical coverage in […]

Episode 122: Save More, Pay Cash, Rinse & Repeat: The Formula to Saving for Big Purchases

Episode 122: Save More, Pay Cash, Rinse & Repeat: The Formula to Saving for Big Purchases

My Guest on the Show… There’s no guest this week. It’s just me, myself, and I! Well, are you about to freak out yet? Why? Because we are about a week away from Christmas and the spending is in full force right about now. In fact, did you know the average American family will spend […]

Episode 121: Travel Hacking for the Non-Rich with Travis Sherry

Episode 121: Travel Hacking for the Non-Rich with Travis Sherry

My Guest on the Show… For the longest time I have poo-pooed the idea of travel hacking. For me, it meant you were supposed to go out and sign up for as many travel credit cards as possible. Then, you would try to spend as much as money on each credit card to “chase the […]

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