Comments on: Overlooked Feelings That Come With Paying off $78,000 in 23 Months Clear A Path To Financial Freedom. Tue, 28 May 2019 19:02:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Mon, 25 Feb 2019 04:18:10 +0000 Very proud of you guys. I am a healthcare professional who recently paid off 720k in 31 months. It was difficult and similar to your journey. Congrats.

By: Chris Peach Thu, 06 Sep 2018 13:16:04 +0000 In reply to Nanci Casson.

Congratulations! That’s amazing and thank you for sharing this with us!

By: Nanci Casson Tue, 04 Sep 2018 16:20:57 +0000 I am debt free including no mortgage at the age of 54. It is the absolute best feeling in the world. I am now in the position of being able to retire early. I am already semi retire because I still need to pay for healthcare insurance. However, I love being able to work when I want to and working when you don’t have too is so much easier.

Because my expenses are so low, I can work in the gig economy to pay all of my bills including healthcare and still contribute to savings and investing. By working the gig economy, it keeps me engage, I don’t have to touch savings to pay the bills and it funds all of my travel and other experiences I might want to enjoy.

I am in heaven. Life is so much easier, almost no stress (except for when the cat and dog argue) and I am already healthier, happier and totally in love with life. I am more generous and altruistic. There are so many pluses to being debt free. It took me several years, working multiple jobs, going back to school to finish my degree to get higher pay but it was all worth it.

Debt should not be a life long endeavor. At best debt should only be something that lasts a few years. There are only two reasons for me to ever go back into debt, for my health and for my freedom. When you are debt free, you live a life of abundance.

By: Chris Peach Tue, 22 May 2018 23:48:09 +0000 In reply to Kayleigh.

This is great news! 🙂

By: Kayleigh Sun, 20 May 2018 16:11:53 +0000 Congratulations on your achievement!!! Your story is fueling my own debt repayment journey of paying off debt and saving as much as possible before starting a family.
