Comments on: How Do I Get My Spouse On Board with Money? Clear A Path To Financial Freedom. Tue, 28 May 2019 20:53:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peach Wed, 17 Aug 2016 22:02:40 +0000 In reply to Lauren Burton.

Hi Lauren!

Well, you are officially married 🙂 Here is what I would suggest:

Nerds like to control things when it comes to money and numbers. We obviously know way more about this than anyone else, so we are in charge. Well, this is how our spouses feel about us 🙂

In his defense, I am sure he is quite aware that you are all over him about spending every little penny. Therefore, I am going to suggest you pump the brakes on telling him about how much he spends.

Try this: Ask him to HELP you. Let him know that you keep trying and can’t get it right. You really NEED his help. You would like his opinion, his thought, and his expertise on managing the household finances. He needs to feel like he is coming to the rescue here instead of feeling like he is the jerk-face that spends every last penny and dime 🙂

As a guy, I can tell you we don’t like to be wrong and we love the feeling of being the hero. I have a feeling that once he starts taking an active role with the monthly budget and the cash flow, he’s going to see for himself without you having to tell him. And if he makes a mistake or two, don’t beat him up for it (yet). Pain is a great motivator and sometimes we need to feel it before we understand it.

Great question!

By: Lauren Burton Wed, 17 Aug 2016 21:05:18 +0000 Hey great post! Thank you for it. I do have one question for you though. I am the nerd of the family, I have tried and tried to set up a budget with my husband to no avail. He agrees and sometimes contributes to the planning, but then continues on with what he is doing. He sees his spending as “important and necessary.” I have tried several ways to help him manage or budget but nothing works. I feel like we can never get ahead because he spends it all.

By: Tommy @ LeisureFreak Thu, 11 Feb 2016 18:08:58 +0000 Great post. We struggled early on with this. For example, I would go to pay bills and there wouldn’t be enough money because she bought a large gift for her mother. Finally we set a budget based on our individual income and goals. I made more money so I paid for most of the living expenses. My Bride had grocery, her gas, any clothes for herself, or gifts she wanted to buy. I took care of everything else related to out home, insurances, medical, autos, kids, vacations, etc. This allowed us both to individually budget and save. We maintained two separate joint accounts. It worked for us. Retired early @ age 51. I have friends who constantly battle with their spouses and will never get to exit the rat race on their terms.

By: mrricket Tue, 09 Feb 2016 07:34:51 +0000 I really enjoyed reading your article. It’s funny how opposites attract. My partner and are not married yet, but slowly finding our feet when it comes to finances.

