Comments on: How Health Share Programs Will Save You Thousands on Health Care This Year Clear A Path To Financial Freedom. Tue, 28 May 2019 20:48:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Peach Tue, 14 Nov 2017 00:05:53 +0000 In reply to Derek Mandel.

Hi Derek, we will try to update this post with new information soon! Thanks!

By: Derek Mandel Sun, 12 Nov 2017 03:57:39 +0000 I am considering Liberty, and found this article very informative, and anticipated and answered most of my questions. It has been a year since you posted, and was wondering if you have received any updates and/or positive/negative information about Liberty. If I do sign up with Liberty, I will advise that you were the referral, as you suggest above. I look forward to any updates from you and/or any of your readers.
Thank you.

By: Be Friends with (Your) Benefits: Part 2 – New Job – Are We Adults Yet? Thu, 02 Nov 2017 23:14:51 +0000 […] at tax time if you don’t have it. (FYI – this does not apply to people that belong to a health care sharing ministry, are in prison, have been living abroad for 1 year +, […]

By: Peach Wed, 23 Nov 2016 12:25:26 +0000 Thanks Ben for reading and for passing this along. If more people knew they had more options, there would be more hope out for healthcare and for our money. Thanks again 🙂

By: Centsai Thu, 10 Nov 2016 20:20:55 +0000 Hey Chris, thanks for sharing this with me! I found everything you said quite interesting and extremely informative! I have never done any research on health share programs, but after reading this I might now!
