Comments on: Create a Utility Bill that Doesn’t Suck Clear A Path To Financial Freedom. Mon, 29 Jul 2019 23:26:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dianna Kirkley Wed, 03 May 2017 20:34:58 +0000 Chris, I want to thank you for your insight into saving money on your electric bill; however, I would just like to tweek a few things since my husband and I are both in the electric savings arena.
#1. Never opt for an Average Billing Plan. You will get the surprise of your life if and when you ever decide to leave one company for another with a lower rate. As you get your bill every month, part of the balance will be held back (as part of the averaging process). We have know too many people that wanted to change companies when their contract was up and got the “gotcha” moment with their final bill because all the years that they were on “averaging” rolled forward when they decided to switch providers.
#2 Great idea !! Some of the companies, i.e. Stream Energy, etc, offers a 30 month plan with a very low kw rate plus you receive a FREE (a value of $299) Honeywell Lyric Smart Thermostat. The also offer the SkyBell Video Doorbell for security or the Skydrop Water Controller for water conservation. But the Smart Thermostat will save you $$$.
#3 In addition to these great suggestions is that some natural gas companies have a program to insulate your attic absolutely FREE. Just check with your local provider and make application.
#4 Shop the best rate….but wait….some will quote you the kw rate and some will quote you the average kw rate. Look on your bill for your average rate. If it does not have one, take the total costs of your bill and divide it by the kw used. This will include all Delivery charges from your server, the kw costs of your provider and taxes. Compare Compare Compare. Choose a company that will only charge you a flat rate no matter how many kw used ! Most often, companies will shoot you a low rate, then as you use electric, another line appears on your bill about every 500 kw used…This can add up fast. And don’t fall for the free nights and weekends…the average rate on your bill will tell you that you got nothing free ! Pay as you go, flex billing with no contracts, etc. always look cheap going in but after 30 days your rate can double. Don’t always think that the one company that has been around forever is the best value. New friends plans will be the best and the best value is usually a 24 month plan. Also, if you switch in the fall or early spring, you will get great rates and your renewal will be less per kw 1 or 2 years from then.

By: Peach Sat, 04 Jun 2016 18:45:31 +0000 In reply to Drew.

Thanks Drew for your comment! You’re exactly right – a little bit every single day/month/year goes a long way over time 🙂

By: Drew Fri, 03 Jun 2016 18:04:08 +0000 It’s amazing how much of a difference those minor changes can make your you and your bill. Thanks for the advice!

By: Cat@BudgetBlonde Sat, 13 Feb 2016 23:05:27 +0000 I hate the higher utility bills too.

By: Kayla Sloan Sat, 13 Feb 2016 15:06:55 +0000 In reply to Jim Wang.

Interesting! I didn’t know about that option as it’s not available with my company. Thanks for the suggestion, Jim!

By: Kayla Sloan Sat, 13 Feb 2016 15:06:16 +0000 In reply to Jen.

Maybe you can find the leaks and figure out how to seal them? It would cost some money up-front to do that, but it would really pay off in the long run when your heating and cooling isn’t leaking out of your house.

By: Jim Wang Sat, 13 Feb 2016 11:49:46 +0000 Check with your utility provider too, they may have wireless programmable thermostats available if you join some of their metering programs. BGE (Baltimore Gas & Electric) has them for their Peak Rewards program for free (with free installation), but it lets them shut off your AC 2x a year during peak usage times (they warn you 24-hours ahead of time).

By: Peach Sat, 13 Feb 2016 05:56:41 +0000 In reply to Jen.

You CAN do the Equalizer Plan if you have APS. However, if you add solar panels, then I am not 100% sure if that will work since you could be getting a negative bill (meaning you are sending the utility company power from the solar panels)

By: Jen Sat, 13 Feb 2016 04:48:01 +0000 If you have APS and solar, you can’t do the equalizer plan, which I kind of miss. I also tried the pre-cooling the house trick and my house must be super leaky, because it didn’t hold the temperature all day…it barely held for an hour.

By: Kayla @ Shoeaholicnomore Fri, 12 Feb 2016 20:07:25 +0000 In reply to Josh.

It is definitely worth looking in to as it can save you a lot of money over the course of a year.
