Comments on: Even a Loser Should Still Retire a Millionaire Clear A Path To Financial Freedom. Mon, 29 Jul 2019 23:34:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick Tue, 03 May 2016 21:08:45 +0000 Good point on how many just assume there will be a “safety net” available to help break our financial fall later in life. What I find surprising is how all the information anyone could possible need to know about personal finance, and about prepping for retirement specifically, is right there in front of us! Much of it comes down to the fact that many young people simply don’t take the time to learn up on how to prepare for retirement because, let’s face it, it’s just not that exciting. The mere thought of researching the difference between a Roth and traditional 401(k) is enough to put some to sleep. The truth is, seeking this tiny bit of information has the potential to reap exciting rewards down the road…and prevent the shock of realizing you have nowhere near what you need to live comfortably throughout your post-work years!

By: Peach Sun, 31 May 2015 22:01:07 +0000 In reply to Chris Houck.

Hi Chris!
Thank-you for your comment. 10% may seem a little high, however if you are looking over a long period of time (20-30 years), 10% isn’t extraordinary. In fact during the 20th century, the stock market has averaged 10.4% each year. There were of course the years that were lower than others and vice-versa, however we are talking about the AVERAGE here. Another thing that the investor should be aware of is the 401(k), the 457(b), the 403(b), etc. is YOUR money. You can set up beneficiaries and will it to your children, grandchildren, or whoever you like. A pension has a GREAT guaranteed rate of return, however it isn’t managed by you and it ends with your surviving spouse. We all saw what happened in Detroit with their pension system when the city declared bankruptcy too. The bottom line is to make sure as a first responder you are taking advantage of both the pension benefit (you don’t have a choice) and your own contribution plan (401(k), 403(b), 457(b), IRA, ROTH IRA, etc.) to keep your money protected from taxes, and to have enough money when you reach retirement. Thanks for your role in public safety and for the contribution you make towards your community!

By: Chris Houck Sat, 30 May 2015 02:52:41 +0000 I agree with everything you said, in regards to the 10% return on the stocks I think that is a bit of a high estimate. I myself don’t even like to count on gains because stock markets are like gambling, and come with no guarantees.

Like yourself I’m a first responder, and as a firefighter your likely paying into PSRS. That is our best retirement plan. You put in your time and your guaranteed a payout for the rest of your life, not dependent on how well the market does. Also, unlike a 401k/457 the money will never run out and will keep coming for the rest of your life.

It’s sad that our society has shifted away from defined benefit plans in favor of the 401k’s. While I understand the savings for the employer, I feel many Americans just don’t have the willpower to save on their own, thus the need for webpages such as this.

By: Peach Sat, 16 May 2015 22:33:39 +0000 In reply to SavvyJames.

I think we are on the same page! Thanks for the comment. I know exactly what you mean – I was once of these “hyper-consumers”, however I somehow (thank goodness) figured out before I ended up….POOR!

By: SavvyJames Sat, 16 May 2015 18:39:33 +0000 Some great points, Chris and you accurately note that American’s savings rate is abysmally low. As I often tell people, it is less about how much you make and more about what you do with what you make. The vast majority of people are in a position to save something every month and slowly increase it over time, taking advantage of time and compound interest. Unfortunately, far too many people are financially illiterate and hyper-consumers.
