Comments on: Why I Drive a Piece of Crap Clear A Path To Financial Freedom. Tue, 28 May 2019 21:43:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: JP Tue, 12 Jun 2018 02:30:56 +0000 Dear Peach,

I just came across your blog, in particular this post, for the first time and I am impressed. And I am totally on board with driving beater vehicles, because that’s all I have driven ever since I graduated from college 13 years ago.
I own three Volvos – two 1989 740 sedans (the old-school rear-wheel-drive cars) and a 2000 V70 wagon (newer front-drive). In fact, I’ve only owned and driven Volvos my entire life. This is what helps me keep running costs to a minimum on the three cars: I do all my own maintenance and repairs. Not only are they my daily drivers, they are my hobby and I love wrenching on them during the weekends. This saves me some good money I could have spent at an expensive auto repair shop, or God forbid the dealership.

By: Money Saving Success Stories- 4 People Retired Millionaires with Average Income Tue, 04 Apr 2017 07:21:27 +0000 […] the Lynches, who have two children, didn’t drive fancy cars, splurge on clothes and jewelry or purchase the latest electronic gadgets, they lived comfortably. […]

By: Peach Tue, 28 Jun 2016 23:33:53 +0000 In reply to David.

I love it David! You’re 100% right – buy 4 years or older and let someone else take the beating in the depreciation.

Thanks for the comment!

By: David Tue, 28 Jun 2016 04:41:30 +0000 In reply to Peach.

Interesting article, obviously nothing new in regards to vehicles being a terrible purchase, but it is strange how historically vehicle loans relative to income have never been so high. Goes to show the fuel of low rates/dealer incentives/keeping up with the Jones’ etc.

I drove a “piece of crap” that was 20 years old and over almost 3 years spent $2-$3K a year on repairs because…surprise…it was a piece of crap. When I got a decent job out of school, I bought a new ish car and the payments totalled $2.5K a year. It just made sense to me. So for the same money I can drive a reliable nice car. That “wash” is worth it to me. Most importantly the TDSR is low and is in line with my income. Frankly I couldn’t give a crap about the depreciation. I drive lots, need it for work and that $2.5K over 4 years is the cost of doing business for not being later every month because of my shit car. Furthermore MPG increased from 18 to 29, so that again reduces the figure to actually making me “net” money.

That being said I did buy 4.5 years old – car had depreciated 60% and I actually put money down so the TDSR wasn’t through the roof. Paid off early over 2 years and bam happy ending.

Most importantly people need to evaluate relative to income, keep debt servicing strong, buy at least 4+ years old and buy private. F*ck paying some sales idiot taxes on top!

By: Peach Fri, 15 Apr 2016 13:34:33 +0000 In reply to Dyann.

Hi Dyann!

I love to tell people your car will run better, drive better, and will last longer (than you think) when it’s not dragging around a hefty car payment each month. Thanks for sharing!

By: Dyann Fri, 15 Apr 2016 06:14:35 +0000 I’m late to the party but would like to add some of my own insight into the matter. Here it goes. Well said. Our cars are temporary things and should be valued as such. My BMW days are gone with the wind. Rocking a 2009 Saturn SL1 that’s jazzed up with some expensive rims found cheap at the junkyard.The normal concern with old versus new is repair. All cars break down. If it’s paid off you have the choice of fixing it and also who does it. Not so when you’re paying someone else for the privilege of riding around in their car. You also have the power of deciding your own insurance. A few tips would be to invest in learning basic repair and buying tools for it ahead of time. Also, you’ll need a knowledgeable mechanic for most makes and models since you’ll change vehicles often. Watch and ask him questions so that next time you can do the repair yourself. YouTube is your friend for this as well. I could go on and on since buying older used cars has become one of my 10 commandments but I’ll just add this last note. Both freedom and peace of mind are priceless! Things can happen. Situations can change. Going to the grocery store and not being afraid someone with a cart will ding you makes you chuckle. Knowing that the phone will never ring and your (their) car can never be towed because of nonpayment makes you LOL at your old self.

By: Peach Sun, 06 Mar 2016 14:56:26 +0000 In reply to Mark.

Hi Mark,

You won’t ever hear me encourage anyone to get a car payment if you don’t currently have one. If you can make a $150 car payment now, then make $150 car payment to yourself for 10 months. Take the $1,500 + $3k you could get for your crappy car now and buy a $5,500 car. 10 months later you could buy a $7k car. So, in only 20 months from now, you would have a paid for $7k car without having a car payment. Sound good?

By: Mark Tue, 23 Feb 2016 23:13:45 +0000 Excellent article. I also have a crappy car, a real eye soar. It’s a 2004 Honda accord with a little duct tape on the drivers side window. The front Windows won’t roll down, ans there are dents and scratches all over. There’s about 148000 miles on it. Everyone is telling me to get a new car but it drives really well and I don’t have a car payment. I was thinking about trading it in (I might get a little less than 3 grand) and putting it towards a used Honda or Kia (keeping the payment down to 100 to 150). But I really hate car payments and I’m pretty sure I could get another 2 or 3 years out of it. What would you suggest?

By: Peach Sun, 24 Jan 2016 04:51:56 +0000 In reply to Amanda.

It can be tough to have to swallow the fact that someone may be driving “awesome” and we are driving “crap”. But, what you don’t see when they are driving “awesome” is the $500 car payment dragging behind it. You don’t see the higher insurance costs and higher registration costs. Also, they don’t see you being car payment free and saving and investing. It may not seem like a lot right now, but imagine the separation in wealth from this one principle alone over the course of 30 years. If you need help, go out and buy the The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy. One of my all-time favorite books.

By: Amanda Sat, 23 Jan 2016 23:52:47 +0000 Thanks for the confirmation. My husband and I had a top of the line minivan (be nice we have lots of kids) and we turned it in with the equity, as well as a couple grand from savings,and bought a 2002 Honda Odyssey that had all the “bells” our family needed(i.e. leather seats because kids are gross and remote control side doors because we have lots of kids). I got a call from my “high end” sister-in-law nearly the next day letting me know she traded in her 2010 Acura MDX for two new Acuras…sedan and RDX. I thought I was going to cry. We knew we did the right thing but man do I love new Acuras. But where she said she only had to pay $200 more a month (plus starting over on a car loan) we are now $312 a month richer. Thanks for the confirmation we did the right thing. I roll around town proudly in my 2002 knowing I’m saving money and getting our families vehicle needs met…it’s a greater feeling than a hefty new car payment each month. We’re saving for our “fancy” van but I think we’ll end up like your family and won’t be able to spend the full amount because why bother…save the money or invest in an appreciable asset. Thanks again!
